in Dagelijks

100 manieren om je leven een beetje te verbeteren zonder het echt te proberen

Sommige lijstjes zijn leuk. Zoals deze.

De volgende 12 raakten een snaar bij mij.

Doe ik:

6 Everyone has an emotional blind spot when they fight. Work out what yours is, and remember it.
42 Don’t have Twitter on your phone.
61 Make something from scratch. Works best if it’s something you’d normally buy, such as a dress or a bag.
83 Join a local litter-picking group.

Probeer ik:

25 Look closely.
30 Be polite to rude strangers – it’s oddly thrilling.
46 Read a poem every day. Keep a compendium, such as A Poem for Every Day of the Year, by your bed.
87 Learn how to breathe deeply: in through the nose, out through the mouth, making the exhale longer than the inhale.
92 Don’t look at your phone at dinner.

Wil ik:

36 Stretch in the morning. And maybe in the evening.
55 Learn the names of 10 trees.
60 Drop your shoulders.
100 For instant cheer, wear yellow.

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