Op 2 januari 1931 — 94 jaar geleden — schreef Virigina Woolf het volgende in haar dagboek (zwartgedrukt door mij):
Here are my resolutions for the next 3 months; the next lap of the year.
Virginia Woolf
First, to have none. Not to be tied.
Second, to be free & kindly with myself, not goading it to parties: to sit rather privately reading in the studio.
To make a good job of The Waves.
To care nothing for making money.
As for Nelly, to stop irritation by the assurance that nothing is worth irritation: if it comes back, she must go . . .
Then — well the chief resolution is the most import — not to make resolutions. Sometimes to read, sometimes not to read. To go out yes – but stay at home in spite of being asked. As for clothes, I think to buy good ones.
Het belangrijkste voornemen was om geen voornemens te maken.
[…] deelde ik de goede voornemens van Virginia Woolf. En het laatste zinnetje was: “As for clothes, I think to buy good […]