in Music

My music discoveries of 2015

Most end-of-year lists are compiled of songs from that current year. That’s fine and all, but great music is timeless and you might discover things later, so my list will be a bit different. These are things I discovered last year, some old some new.

I don’t use Spotify or other streaming services. I keep my ears open, read music blogs and watch what Youtube suggests. Works pretty fine for me! So here we go in more or less order of discovery. This is not some highbrow you-should-listen-to-this-even-though-I-don’t stuff, this is actual stuff I play regularly.
Warning: these are all bangers.

Noel dropped a bit of the radar for me. But man, has he still got it.

Of course the National is a household name, but I had a teacher this year who was a fan so I dove into their anthology and only then discovered this gem. It’s much rawer and less refined than their later stuff. Love it.

You’re gonna like this track by Motorama. How can you not.

If anything on this list counts as a guilty pleasure, it’s probably this track by Houndmouth.

The best-of-list that our group of friends compiles for our annual weekend getaway brought this diamond to my attention. Belgian. Of course.

Crystal Stilts are a post punk band from New York. What can I say, I like his singing.

You should know by now I’m a fan of Small Black (and I keep bugging them on social media to tour Europe). I don’t know any other band that’s able to match their visuals to their sound so perfectly. Their songs are usually about the innocence and volatility of youth. This track is no different.

On to the more heavy stuff. This is probably the most urgent song you’ll hear this week year.

The Silversun Pickups try to take it to the next level and produced a small movie. Even though “we only want it with the lights out”.

Warning: you will wake up tonight with this chorus in your head. Yes you will. Goodbye horses.

There are few things that thrill me as much as the sound from this next band. They get it. Dirty hair, barely there attitude, Fenders and turtle necks. And that drummer is of the charts.

Remember McLovin? He has a mustache now. Are you ready for it?

Deer Tick has that great sort of low brow Americana sound. I love it. This stuff is on repeat.

The very best discovery is probably this track. Because it doesn’t get much realer than this. Guy + guitar singing his heart out. In a thrift store. Of course.

Update (bonus): How could I forget this track. I have no words for how  great this is. A cappella nonetheless. The guy behind the mix panel, with his back turned to the camera, is a true master of his skill.

So what are your best discoveries?







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